High Elf - Roster (2012-10-13)
 GeneralGen200101210Orb of Majesty
 WizardWiz00081120Ring of Magic,2
 Silver HelmsCav33403110
 Silver HelmsCav33403110
 Silver HelmsCav33403110
 Silver HelmsCav33403110
 Silver HelmsCav33403110
 Silver HelmsCav33403110
 Dragon RidersMon6/364013004
 Giant EaglesMon23603705
 Giant EaglesMon23603705
Breakpoint of 8      2000 


1 - Flyer. Causes terror. Can shoot only when part of a unit. Range 20cm.

2 - The wizard can re-roll all failed cast attempts once but not if a -1- was rolled.
Storm of Stone, 6+, 30cm.
D3 attacks against each enemy unit within range. Does not cause drive backs.
Light of Battle, 5+, 30cm.
In the following combat phase, every friendly unit including characters within range add +1 attack. Can be allocated to any stand in the unit.
Heavens Fire, 4+, 30cm.
The target unit can shoot now, regardless whether it has shot already that turn. Can not be used on machines or artillery.
Hail of Destruction, 5+, 30cm, LOS.
3 shooting attacks ignoring armour.

3 - +1 to hit when shooting.

4 - Flyer. Causes terror. Range 20cm. Can be badly hurt.

5 - Flyer.

Orb of Majesty If the General fails a command roll, he can repeat it, but he has to use a Command of 8 instead of his own. All modifiers are taken into account, but the failed attempt is ignored for the number of commands already given modifier. One use only.

Ring of Magic Cast spell without rolling the dice. One use only.