Night Battle at Mercal (Brets Main)
 EnchantressWiz0007165Scroll of Dispelling,1
Breakpoint of 9      1000 

1 - Aerial Shield, 4+, 15cm.
Lasts until the beginning of the following Bretonnian turn.
Units within 15cm may re-roll any failed Armour rolls from Shooting, Dragon breath, magical attacks, or any other kind of shooting incl. Stand and-shoot.
Shield of combat. 4+, joined unit.
Lasts until the shooting phase of the following Bretonnian turn.
The unit joined may re-roll any failed Armour roll for hits suffered in combat during the Combat phase, but not stand and shoot.
Eerie Mist, 4+, 30cm.
Lasts until the end of the opposing player's next turn. The enemy unit cannot use its initiative and orders given to the unit or brigade of which it is a part will suffer a further -1 command penalty.
Lady's favour, 5+, 30cm.
A single unit can be moved just as if it had received an order in the Command phase. Characters who might have joined the unit do not move with it.

2 - -1 Command penalty when given an order except when part of a brigade which includes units other than Peasants. No Initiative charges, but evades.
No attack bonus on charges.

Scroll of Dispelling When an enemy casts a, the scroll can be used to make it fail nonetheless. Dwarfs use it after the dispel roll. One use only

Night Battle at Mercal (Brets Reserve)Warmaster Night Battle at Mercal (Brets Reserve)
 KnightsCav33403120Sword of Might,1

1 - Must charge on initiative if possible. Ignore terror.

Sword of Might +1 Attack to one single stand.