Matcon 22 Fun
From Neil.
Player Total Strokes
- Jeff = 913
- Alan = 916
- Chris = 1002
- Bill = 1071
- Bob = 1110
- Tim = 1213
- Neil = 1237
I haven't solves any puzzles yet, but I have determined that I have exactly 35.4874042% more fun per round on the golf course than Jeff.
From Jeff.
Golf is a great sport whether your balls are in the rough all day or you knock it long and hard down the middle. One second you're in a bush and the next you're in the hole... then you're out of the hole, then you're back in the hole. It doesn't matter how many strokes you take as long as your come and enjoy yourself. So grab your dimpled balls, regrip your driver, and buff your putter.
From Bill.
'Twas the month before Matcon,
And all through the Realm,
The puns were a flyin',
They did underwhelm.
It began with the Druid!
That's usually the case.
Adjustin' his numbers
To the tenth decimal place...