Diary of Captain Nomed Oppenheimer - Entry Number 19

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Rindr's Ring

Sunday, November 16th, 907 TA
Part 2

I really hate giants. You can’t begin to fathom how much I hate giants. Just when you have them on the ropes, they somehow resurrect themselves and go on a killing rampage.

After the two storm giants blinked away, we only had the three blind giants in front of us. We quickly dispatched the giants, just in time for the smaller storm giant to blink in and see her “love” get dispatched. She cried out in pain and then disappeared once more. We quickly looked through the remains of the Overlord’s captain and grabbed a couple of potions, and then rushed downstairs looking for the giants.

The first floor held several rooms, which we briefly looked at. The first was a kitchen and dining hall, with enough supplies to last a dozen giants for about a month. The second room was a throne room which we did not enter. The third room was a council chamber that held several levers. The last room was the largest and was the heart of the keep, that ran up all three stories. It was a giant oculus that was surrounded by dwarvish runes. We gathered that this was what was keeping the castle afloat, and that the runes held the key to its destruction.

Overlooking the oculus was a balcony, and through a window next to the balcony we spotted human-sized shapes moving around. We went around a corner out of sight, Java created a globe of invisibility, and we snuck up the stairs towards the figures. When we reached the top, we saw four cloaked figures working on the Storm Giant Matriarch. With the figures distracted, Wrane and C.J. moved forward and unleashed the power of the lances on the healers. They were blown to bits. We moved in to finish off the mother when she stood up, mostly healed from our fight, and started cleaving her way through our party. I heard screams downstairs and saw that the daughter was working her way through the back lines of our party.

Surrounded, we have retreated into the stairwell with what remains of our party. C.J. and Chironomous have fallen. We are low on supplies. Our chances of making it through this are low, but as long as we stick together there is always a chance.