Other Melee Weapons

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Billy Club
Brass Knuckles

Billy Club - In the Victorian era, police in London carried truncheons about one-foot long called billy clubs. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, this name is first recorded in 1848 in American English as slang for a burglars' crowbar. The meaning "policeman's club" is first recorded 1856. The truncheon acted as the policeman's 'Warrant Card' as the Royal Crest attached to it indicated the policeman's authority. This was always removed when the equipment left official service (often with the person who used it). The stat line is identical to the blackjack.

Damage: Str+d6
Notes: -

Brass Kuckles - Brass knuckles, also sometimes called knuckles, knucks, brass knucks, or knuckledusters, are weapons used in hand-to-hand combat. Brass knuckles are pieces of metal shaped to fit around the knuckles. Despite their name, they are usually made of steel. Designed to preserve and concentrate a punch's force by directing it toward a harder and smaller contact area, they result in increased tissue disruption, including an increased likelihood of fracturing the victim's bones on impact. The extended and rounded palm grip also spreads across the attacker's palm the counter-force that would otherwise be absorbed primarily by the attacker's fingers, reducing the likelihood of damage to the attacker's fingers.

Damage: Str+d4
Notes: User is treated as an Unarmed Defender.

Bullwhip - A bullwhip is a single-tailed whip, usually made of braided leather, which was originally used as a tool for working with livestock. In some lower class circles, the bullwhip is becoming a popular weapon for fights.

Damage: Str+d6
Notes: This heavy duty whip may be used to initiate a Grappling maneuver against a single opponent within range. Reach 2 (two empty squares between attacker and victim).

Staff - Wood walking sticks are used for outdoor sports, healthy upper body exercise and even club, department and family memorials. They can be individually handcrafted from a number of woods, and may be personalised in many ways for the owner. The walking stick has also historically been known to be used as a defensive or offensive weapon.

Damage: Str+d6
Notes: Parry +1; Reach 1 (one empty square between attacker and victim); Requires 2 hands to wield.