Dutchy of Dragonsford

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Dragonsford Castle is the capital of the Duchy of Dragonsford, consisting of a small castle on a fortified peninsula of land extending into the Inner Sea. The surrounding town exists primarily to support the military presence. The current ruler is Ernest Goodfellow, formerly a Knight of King Gregory. Besides a monthly caravan from Haggelthorn, occasional merchants, dwarves, gnomes, and outlanders visit Dragonsford.

The town was named for a large golden dragon that legend tells lived in the vast cave network found in the hills nearby. The dragon was rumored to have stolen innumerable piles of treasure from the dwarves, giants, and gnomes of the area. The dragon buried his treasure in the tunnels sealing them for protection near Dragonsford. As the tale goes, the Balinshold dwarves became so tired of the constant attacks on their homeland that they would do anything to free themselves of the dragon. All of their attempts to kill the dragon failed, managing to make the dragon only angrier. Finally, the great dwarven smith, Waldemar Lifehammerer, traveled to the land of the gnomes. There, the smith met with a great gnome magician, Llyn, and constructed a magical statue. The statue was taken by Waldemar back to the Balinshold across the Inner Sea. When the dragon heard of the statue, he lusted after it. The dwarves allowed the dragon to steal the statue. However, the flight back across the Inner Sea to his tunnels was a long one for the dragon and the statue grew larger and larger and heavier and heavier as time went on. The dragon began to falter in his flight, but his greed was so great that he went onward. Finally, the statue became so large and so heavy that the dragon could fly no further. The dragon and the statue crashed into the sea and neither were ever seen again. This tale prompted early adventurers to settle in Dragonsford to look for the tunnels. Some gold was found, but rooms of treasure still lie hidden under the hills somewhere near the town.